The Medical Record as Evidence
One of the premier books for medial malpractice litigation and injury-related legal cases.
Dr. Elliott Oppenheim has written extensively about medical malpractice litigation, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, and spoliation of evidence in medical negligence litigation and continues to write on medical-legal subjects. Dr. Oppenheim has been active in the field of medical negligence litigation for almost twenty-five years. He heads coMEDco, Inc., a national medical-legal consulting firm as President and CEO. Dr. Oppenheim also teaches health law.
Chapter 1. Admissibility of Medical Records
Chapter 2. The Recording Sequence
Chapter 3. Why There Must Be a Record
Chapter 4. Spoliation
Chapter 5. Confidentiality and Privilege
Chapter 6. Discovery and Trial Techniques
Additional Medical / Legal Writings
1. An Historical View of A Therapeutic Team, Surg. Gyn. and Obstet., 138:91, 1974
2. Dangerous Sky, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 288:9, 1168, 1974 (BR)
3. A New Technique For Lumbar Puncture, Hosp. Phys., July 1974
4. Why I Quit My Residency, The New Physician, 33-44, January 1975
5. Fever-The Hunt For A New Killer Virus, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 229:4, 470, 1974
6. Body Without A Heart, The New Physician, 36-38, February 1975
7. Surgery Beneath The Kansas Apple Tree, Rev. of Surg., 33:3, 149-51, May-June 1976
8. The Definitive Management of Aortoduodenal Fistula, Proc. of XX Binl. Wld., Congres. – Intl. Coll. Srgns., 1977 III:1054-1057 (Presented May 26, 1976, Athens Greece)
9. Corinthian, Ionic, and Doric of Surgery, Bull. King Co. Med. Standard of care., 1976
10. A Black Crack of Noise, Bull. King Co. Med. Standard of care., 1976
11. Tension Up, Income Down For Hospital Doctors, Argus, September 3, 1976, 1
12. Management of the Elderly, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 237:9, 903, 1977 (BR)
13. Medical Emergencies, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 286:6, 520, 1977 (BR)
14. The Pathophysiology And Treatment of Frostbite: An Appreciation of the Environment, Mountain Rescue Committee Presentation, November 11, 1978, Virginia Mason Hospital
15. Malpractice: A Primer For Physicians-in-Training, The New Physicians, 22-23, January 1978
16. The Unction of Medicine and Law, Wash. St. Trial News, Vo. XI, No. 9 1977
17. Get Ready For Doctor’s Advertising, Argus, 85:28, 1978
18. Bill Sumner, K2 and Beyond, View Northwest, 49-50, July 1973
19. Understanding Human Behavior In Health and Illness, Amer. Fam. Phys., 17:1, 302, 1978 (BR)
20. Child Care in General Practice, Amer. Fam. Phys., 18:4, 258, 1978 (BR)
21. Up Rainier The Steepest Way, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, F7, July 29, 1979
22. Hospice Program Continues to Grow Despite Concern Over Costs Argus, 5, August 24, 1979.
23. King County Medical Society Wants to Increase Its Regulatory Control Argus, 4, July 13, 1979.
24. Fire in the Hole, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 20, 1979
25. The Bibliophile, Bulletin of the King Co. Medical Society, 9, December 1979
26. A New Medical Specialty Encourages Profiteering, Argus, 1, December 28, 1979 (Sigma Delta Chi Award in Journalism 1979)
27. Doctors v. Nurses in Medical Way, Argus, 1, December 28, 1979
28. Selacryn: What Should We Do Next? The Bulletin of the King Co. Medical Society, 1979.
29. Primary Care Medicine, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 246:11, 1633, 1982 (BR)
30. The Clay Pedestal, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 247:11, 1633, 1982 (BR)
31. A Sensitive Subject, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 247 13, 1875, 1982
32. Common Health Problems In Medical Practice, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 247:23,c 3267, 1982 (BR)
33. Practical Neurology-Infectious Diseases, New Eng. J. of Med., 306:23, 1436, 1982c(BR).
34. The Art of Teaching Primary Care, New Eng. J. of Med., 306:23, 1436, 1982 (BR)
35. Certified Pink, Jour. Amer. Med Assoc., 247:10, 1363, 1983.
36. Examine Your Doctor, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 247:10, 1363, 1983 (BR)
37. By A Fine Thread, Arch. Int. Med., 143:537, 1983
38. Blood Money: Confessions of a Plasma Center Doc, The Weekly, March 14, 1975
39. “Six Bucks, Doc”, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 251:16, 2148, 1984 (BR)
40. The Intellectual Basis of Family Practice, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 251:22, 3017, 1984 (BR).
41. Do It Yourself Medical Testing, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 251:22, 3017, 1984 (BR)
42. Manual of Introduction to Clinical Medicine, New Eng. J. of Med., 311:11, 741-2, 1984 (BR).
43. Thomas Wolfe’s Dying Days in Seattle, The Weekly, 35-36, January 16, 1985.
44. Unwelcome Intruder: Freud’s Struggle With Illness Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 253:4, 578, January 25, 1985 (BR)
45. Stethoscoop, University of California at Irvine, California of Medicine, Medical
Student Newsletter: Series-
46. Transition in Ten Speeds;
47. Heart of Plenty;
48. The Scimitar and the Gypsy King;
49. A Very Big Doctor;
50. Accident of Childbirth
51. Rhyme of The Modern Mariner;
52. Ecuador- A Study in Contrasts;
53. Certified Pink (reprinted from Jour. Amer. Med.
Assoc.): appearing monthly during 1985.
54. Verapamil for Multifocal PVCs (Letter), New Eng. J. of Med., 312:17, 1126, 1985.
55. A Young Doctor Looks at Age and Experience: presented to the History of Medicine Committee of the King County Medical Society, September 11, 1985.
56. Tom Wolfe’s Last Days in Seattle: presented to the History of Medicine Committee of the King County Medical Society, September 11, 1985.
57. A Very Big Doctor, Bull. King Co. Med. Soc., 64:11, p. 21-23, November 1985.
58. When Boy Bit Dog, Cont. Ed. Fam. Phys., April, 1986, p. 172-173.
59. Los tratos modernos para la lepra y tuberculosis: Una conferencia para medicos; Organizacion Salud del Mundo, Quito, Ecuador, April 1986 Lecture delivered at five hospitals: Eugenio Espejo, Quito; Pablo Arturo Suarez, Quito; Gonsaslvo Gonzalez, Quito Municipalidad, Otavalo Municipalidad, Nanegalito
60. Is Prevention Better Than Cure?, New Eng. J. of Med., 314:19, 1261, 1986 (BR)
61. Is it Still a Privilege to be a Doctor?, (Letter to the Editor) New Eng. J. of Med., 315:17, 1098, 1986.
62. Family Physician in the Making, The Occidental, p. 24-30, Winter 1986
63. Patient’s Denial of Cardiac Pain, Med. Malp. Prev., p. 13-15, Nov./Dec. 1986
64. A Family Physician’s Report From Ecuador, Bull. King Co. Med. Soc., p. 12-13, Dec. 1986.
65. Angina Pectoris in Family Practice, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:2, 23-29, Feb. 1987
66. The Modern Treatment of Angina Pectoris, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:3; 56-62, March 1987.
67. Subdural Hematoma in a Septuagenarian, Med. Malp. Prev., Mar/Apr 1987, pp. 19- 21.
68. Treatment of Acute62. Zen and the Art of Twiggling, The Weekly, p. 24, Nov. 19-25, 1986 Myocardial Infarction, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:4, 50-56, April 1987.
69. When to Refer a Patient with Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:4, 56-63, May 1987.
70. Unrecognized: Acute Otitis Media Leading to Spastic Quadriparesis, Med. Malp. Prev., 31-37, May/June 1987.
71. Geriatric Hypertension – Lecture to King County Pharmacists, June 10, 1987, sponsored by Smith, Kline & French
72. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm for Family Physicians, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:6, 27- 30, July 1987.
73. Chaotic Doses of Heparin Promote Pulmonary Embolus, Med. Malp. Prev., p. 32-35, July/August 1987.
74. Breast Carcinoma: The Diagnosis that Got Away, Med. Malp. Prev., p. 32-35, July/Aug. 1987.
75. How to Detect the Young Athlete at Risk for Sudden Death, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:8, Aug. 1987.
76. Cursory Physical Exam Fails to Reveal Tendon Laceration, Med. Malp. Prev., Sept/Oct 36, 1987.
77. Missed Diagnosis of Testicular Carcinoma, Med. Malp. Prev., p. 43-44, Sept/Oct 87
78. The Science of Survival – 5; 1 hour lectures Sept. 5-8, 1987, Adventure Medical Seminars-Yureka, California
79. Understanding Snycope for Family Physicians, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:9, 30-34, Sept. 1987.
80. The Differential Diagnosis of Endocarditis: A Subtle, But Potentially Fatal Illness, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 8:10, 32-35, Oct. 1987.
81. Carotid Surgery for Family Physicians: The Key to Stroke Prevention, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, Nov. 1987.
82. The Nucleus of the Doctor Patient Relationship In the Molecule of the HMO, Medical Interface, Feb. 1988.
83. Deep Venous Thrombosis, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, Jan. 1988
84. Details, Details, Comprehensive Therapy, 14:10, 3-4, Oct. 1988.
85. Pericarditis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 9:2, 72- 75, Feb. 1988.
86. Recognition and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 9:3, 81-84, March 1988.
87. The Necrotizing Spider Bite Faded Away…But Not the Endocarditis, Med. Malp. Prev., 111:1, 11-13, 1988.
88. Delayed Treatment and a Circular Cast Further Compromised a Swollen, Septic, Foot, Med. Malp.Prev., 111:1, 25-26, 1988
89. Diagnosis and Treatment of Periphenal Vascular Disease, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 9:4, 73-76, April 1988
90. Wellness: Managed Cares’s Red Tag Special, Medical Interface, 1:8, 14-16, Aug 1988
91. An Asthmatic Woman Given the Wrong Antihypertensive Drug, CVR & R Rounds, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 9:8, 70-72, Aug 1988
92. The Illness Narratives, New Eng. J. of Med., July 14, 1988 (BR)
93. The New Epidemiology of Rheumatic Fever, Cardiov. Rev. & Report, 9:12, 56-58,Dec. 1988.
94. Failure to Diagnose Abdominal Aneurysm Results in Severe Brain Damage, Med. Malp. Prev., Dec. 88.
95. Unheeded Heart Murmur Results in Fatal Collapse of High School Track Star, Med. Mal. Prev., Dec. 88.
96. “Battered Women”; Episode #1071, Family Medical
Center, Edwards-Billet Prod., Hollywood, Calif.
97. MD’s on TV, The Main Event, 4:1, 19-22, Jan. 1989.
98. Classic Signs and Symptoms Went Unrecognized (Cushing’s Disease), Med. Malp. Prev., Jan 1989, 5-7.
99. Cardiovascular Manifestations of AIDS, Cardiov.Rev. & Report, 10:2, 56-59, Feb. 1989.
100. The Patient Wasn’t Drunk, Med. Mal. Prev., IV:3, March 1989.
101. Ski Weekend Ruined by Ruptured Appendix, Med. Mal.Prev., IV:4, 16-19, April 1989.
102. Nike the Golden Retriever, Post Graduate Medicine, May 1989.
103. Pneumnothorax in Weekend Sailor, Med. Mal. Prev., IV:5, May 1989.
104. “Nothing” Visits Mean Something, Med. Mal. Prev., May 1989.
105. Poor Post-Operative Care Results in Death, Surgical Med. Mal. Prev., 1:2, 9-10, May 1989.
106. A Pound of Cure was Insufficient, Med. Mal. Prev., June 1989.
107. Doctors, Drugs, Depression and their Families, Panelist – Overlake Hospital Medical Center, hour talk, June 28, 1989.
108. Sudden Cardiac Death: What Primary Care Physicians Need to Know, Resident and Staff Physician, 35:8, July 1989.
109. Bernstein’s Hug, Post Graduate Medicine, 86:6, Nov. 1989. Also appearing in The Western Journal of Medicine.
110. Doctor Fails to See Medulloblastoma, Med. Mal. Prev., IV:10, 13-14, Nov./Dec. 1989.
111. My Patient is Dying of Loneliness, Senior Patient, Dec. 1989.
112. Summary Judgment, West. Jour. Med., 151:681, Dec. 1989.
113. Delaying a Repeat Pelvic Examination Prevents Timely Diagnosis of Tubo- ovarian abcess, Med.Mal. Prev., V:1, Jan. 1990.
114. Bernstein’s Hug, West. Jour. Med., 152:196, Feb 1990.
115. Failure To Biopsy Skin Lesions Prompts Litigation, Med. Mal. Prev., VIII, 5-7, April 1990.
116. Early Morning Misdiagnosis of Gout Results with Above-the-Knee Amputation, Med. Mal. Prev., V:7, July 1990.
117. A Special Prescription for Mrs. Rowbottom, Postgrad. Medicine, 88:3, 113-114, Sept. 1, 1990.
118. A Not-So-Innocent Scalp Wound, Med. Mal. Prev., Nov. 1990.
119. Blurring of the Doctor – Patient Relationship Results in Failure to Diagnose Cancer, Med. Mal.Prev., V:9, 5-7, Oct. 1990.
120. Removing Risk From Risk Management: A Baker’s Dozen, Med. Malp. Prev., V:9, 15-17, Oct. 1990.
121. Severe Dyspnea is Never Routine, Med. Mal. Prev., 5-7, Feb. 91.
122. Limo to Lima, Postgrad. Medicine, 89:8, 249-51, June, 91.
123. What the Doctor Ordered, West. Jour. Med., June 91.
124. Be on the Lookout for Ectopic Pregnancy, Med. Mal. Prev., VI:7, July/Aug 91, 15-16.
125. Petchiae: Looking Beyond the “Allergic Reaction”, Med. Mal. Prev., VI:8, Sept. 91, 5-7.
126. Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoporosis, Geriatric Consultant, 10:2, 27-9, Sept/Oct 1991.
127. Beta-Blocker Overdoses: A Pharmacologic Zebra, Resident and Staff Physician, 37:11, Nov. 1991.
128. Beta-Blocker Overdose in an LPN, Hospital Practice, Dec. 15, 1991, 31-34.
129. A Sterilized Woman Who Did Not Feel Right, Hospital Practice, Med. Malp. Prev., 27:2, Feb 1992, 55-6.
130. Cervical Trauma: Was it Soft-Tissue Strain or Skeletal Trauma?, Med. Malp. Prev., VII:i, Jan 92.
131. How Non-Radiologist, Primary Care Physicians Put Patients at Risk When Reading X-Rays, Med. Malp. Prev., VII, 7, July/ Aug 1992, 5-7.
132. A Lawyer’s Window to Pertinent Medical Literature, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:3, 3-4 (March 1995).
133. From the Medical Literature-Information the Trial Attorney Can Use, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:4, 3-4 (April 1995).
134. Putting Some Perspective on “Wrong Level Back Surgery”, Medical, Legal Newsletter of Greater Seattle, 4th Qtr, 26, 1994.
135. The Medical Record Explained, 6(3) OHIO TRIAL 7-12 (1995).
136. All Gummed Up, Postgraduate Medicine, 98:3, 39 (1995).
137. B 3 – Bent Babies, Dead Babies, Neglected Babies, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:6, 3-4 (June 1995).
138. Boys and Their Toys Department, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:8, 4-5 (August 1995).
139. When The Cure Is More Dangerous Than The Disease, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:9, 6-8 (September 1995).
140. Of Books, Hypertension Standard of Care, and Circumcision, Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Experts, 11:11, 5-7 (November 1995).
141. Not Yet FDA Approved, Cortlandt Forum, 8:12, 33 (December 1995).
142. Keeping it on the Record, Emergency Medicine 28:2, 87 (February 1996).
143. Examining Medical Records: How to Know What is Said When you Read What the Doctor Wrote, 82 American Bar Association J. 88 (1996).
144. Protecting Privacy in the Year 2000, 2(1) Med. Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements & Rep. 3 (1996).
145. All-Gummed-Up Theodorosaurus, 164 West. J.Med. 540 (1996).
146. The Risks of Doctoring Records, Hippocrates 34 (September 1996)
147. Gloria! … Glooooria!, 165 WEST. J.MED. 85 (July/August 1996).
148. A Trial Lawyer’s Guide to the Medical Record, 84 ILL. BAR J. 637 (1996).
149. Note, Calvin v. Chater: The Right to Subpoena the Physician in SSA Cases; Conflict in the Circuits over the Interpretation of 20 C.F.R. 404.950(d)(1), 15 J. NAT. ASSOC. ADMIN. L. JUDGES 143 (1996).
150. A Review of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, 85 Ill.Bar J. 212 (1997).
151. Scoping out the Medical Record: The Key to Understanding Medical Care, 51 WA. ST. B.J. 22 (1997).
152. EMTALA: Its First Decade; A Retrospective Analysis of 42 U.S.C. § 1395dd, 43(4) MED. TRIAL TECH. Q. 77 (1997).
153. When Doctors Doctor the Doctor’s Record: Spoliation of Evidence, 26 N.M. Trial Lawyer 1 (1998).
154. The Medical Record: A New Mexico Lawyer’s Litigation Guide, 4(2) Bar J. (NM) 15 (Summer 1998).
155. Legal Aspects of EPR’s: The Problem of Authentication, Maintaining Security and Legal Trustworthiness, PROCEEDINGS MANUAL: TOWARD AND ELECTRONIC PATIENT RECORD ’98, 215 (Medical Records Institute ISBN: 0-9640667-4 2 1998). (available through the Medical Records Institute: 617-964-3923).
156. A Doctor’s Perspective on what the Law Should be for End-Of Life Issues, 2(1) J.Med.L. 11 (1997).
157. Released Against Advice, Hippocrates 20 (September 1998).
158. The Law of Evidence and the Medical Record, 2(2) J.MED.L. 167 (1999).
159. Staying out of Court: Cost-Free ways to Risk-Proof your Practice, HIPPOCRATES 26 (December 1999).
160. New Rules on Electronic Records: HIPAA’s Proposed Patient Privacy Standards Focus on Principles, HIPPOCRATES 22 (January 2000).
161. The Weighted Analysis of Medical Malpractice Cases, 46(3) MED. TRIAL TECH. Q. 263 (2000).
162. The Law and Ethics of Web Prescribing, HIPPOCRATES, 44 (September 2000).
163. New Standards Require Doctors to Admit Mistakes in Care, NEW MEXICAN, July 2, 2001, B-1.
164. Idaho Locality Rule in Medical Negligence Litigation: Grover v. Smith, 31(2) IDAHO TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOC. J. 33, (2002).
165. Nursing Home Litigation: A Primer for Trial Lawyers, 6(2) J.MED.L. 81 (2002).
166. May the Police Practice Medicine?, 8(1&2) J. MED. LAW 35 (Fall 2003-Spring
167. New JCAHO Standards to Create Affirmative Duty to Disclose Hospital Error, 4 TRAUMA 79 (December 2004).
168. Oppenheim, E.B. and Pain Pills: The Doctor is Responsible, Youmans, C., Wash. St. Trial Lawyer’s News, 8-10, March 1979.
169. Oppenheim, E.B. Deadly Omission: When Must the Doctor Talk? Youmans, C. Legal Aspects of Medical Practice, 9:10, 3, 1981
170. Oppenheim, E.B. Aseptic Bone Necrosis Survey In Compressed Sealey, J. Leon Air Workers, Sixth Symposium On Underwater Physiology, July 6-19, 1975, San Diego
171. Oppenheim, E.B. Prevention of Peritoneal Adhesions In the Rat James, J., Arch. Surg., 110:429-432, April 1975, Shobe, J., Gazzaniga, A. vers 01.02.07
Medicine Man: The Book of Ellen
Book Number 2 of the Waiting for Winter Pentology.
The fall from grace and his beginning struggle to confront and to redefine himself, to learn how and why he destroyed his career and everyone around him about whom he cared.
Waiting for Winter
“Waiting for Winter” is a pentology, like a trilogy, or a quintet, like a brass quintet, with five distinct voices…. five books… The Five Books of Chaim Goldberg… a biblical life, from the beginning to almost the end… of mythic proportions. Chaim Goldberg is “us.”